our life our way

Community Belonging

I am only one, but still I am one, I cannot doing everything, but I can still do something. – E Everett Yes, it is probably true, on some level that the idea of giving your time and energy to a cause without financial reward may seem an impossible task and you may even wonder

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Winter Solstice.

May the candlelight always remind us of the sun that is soon going to return.   The winter solstice has been seen as a significant time of year in many cultures and marks the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun. So, the winter solstice, or the shortest day of the year, happens when the

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Country Town Living

The other day I met a man, who with his partner had recently moved into our district. They had both grown up in Melbourne and had lived most of their married life living in inner Melbourne, in an apartment.Firstly, they were just going to stay on weekends and mini breaks, but very quickly became enamored

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