June, the first month of Winter, it’s cold, cold, cold and wet, wet wet and around here we have had a run of not so nice and definitely annoying things happen – three things actually.
Proverb. bad things come in threes.
If an unfortunate event has already occurred twice, a third unfortunate event is likely to occur.
So, what three things have happened?
Firstly, we had Sudden Rooster Death Syndrome, during the day we had what seemed like a perfectly healthy, happy Rooster strutting around, eating normally and seeming to be enjoying life. And overnight he suddenly died. Most common reason given is that the rooster may have had a heart attack, or heart failure. This is the most accepted diagnosis with a young rooster who died unexpectedly. It’s certainly a possibility with ours, although he had shown no signs of heart problems, his breathing was normal, we never saw him gasp for air, but he rarely crowed!
The second, a mouse, or actually it smelt more like a family of mice dying in the roof above the bathroom … oh boy, we became very adept at cleaning our teeth without breathing in and showers became quick as the steam mixed with the decomposing body smell took any joy out a nice warm shower. Did you know that there are three smells of rodent death, 1st methane, this is similar to the odour of paint thinners, the 2nd ammonia, similar to urine and the 3rd, as the decomposition speeds up, you unfortunately detect an odour similar to rotten food!
And thirdly, Rats gnawing on our stored pumpkins…on the shelf near the back door… cheeky so and so’s! Apparently one way to save the pumpkins is to coat the outside with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. Our way so far has been move all pumpkins onto top shelf , to leave a torch on, they seem to like to feast in the dark! and strew the shelf with herb branches of mugwort, lavender, and mint as we like to be chemical free as possible. Research suggests you can repel rats from your garden/home with scents they dislike, such as cloves, garlic, onion, ammonia, used coffee grounds, peppermint, eucalyptus, white vinegar, pine oil, cinnamon oil, so a bowl of used coffee grounds and a mix of oils maybe worth a try.
Homemade Rat Repellent Recipe
1 cup ammonia
1 cup vinegar
Pour the ammonia and vinegar in a spray bottle and mix well. Spray the mouse repellent anywhere you’ve detected activity or in any areas where there may be entry points into your house.
Alternatively, if you don’t have time to go around spraying, you can spray cotton balls with the mixture and leave them in areas around the house. If you choose the cotton balls, replace them every two weeks.
Be careful when you are making and using this rat control spray, as high concentrations of ammonia may be irritating to your eyes and skin.
It’s difficult to find the origins of why things seem to happen in three, but the concept is rooted in the Latin principle known as omne trium perfectum or, translated into English, the rule of three. Psychologists argue that this belief persists because people crave certainty. By creating a limit on the events, e.g. three, we feel comforted because we see an end to a run of bad luck
On the flip side we also tend to believe that good things hopefully come in three. The rule (or power) of three is an age-old belief that implies that goods things that come in threes are inherently more satisfying and effective, apparently, we have a natural, ingrained tendency to gravitate towards and respond positively to things that come in threes.
The best things in life come in threes, like friends, dreams, and memories. — Mencius
Mind, Body, Spirit / Mother, Father, Child / Past, Present, Future / Power, Intellect, Love /Father, Son, Holy Ghost / Rock, paper, scissors / Three Little Pigs/ Three French Hens/ The Bronte Sisters / Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil / and of the people, by the people, for the people…
So, June, the 6th month of the year, gave as a few challenges, it also gave us the opportunity to celebrate the Winter Solstice and give thanks to the coming of the Sun bringing with it the power of love, magic and starlight and the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
Stay Warm, Healthy and Happy. Kerrie