This style of feeder ensures chicken feed is safe from birds and rodents that are attracted to the pellets, once chickens are asleep or out free ranging.
Unit Size 48 cm high x 61 cm wide x 60 cm deep Weight 9 kg Material : Galvanised. Fully assembled and ready to use. Waterproof.
Fabricated in Australia for Australian Chooks.
Chicken Feeder – Large Unit
The treadle operated feeder is essentially a feeding tray with a hopper and a platform mechanism that the chicken stands on, which lifts the lid of the feed tray open, so that the chickens can access feed when they require it.
Developed and used for over 20 years by team at the Simple Living Store
This style of feeder ensures chicken feed is safe from birds and rodents that are attracted to the pellets, once chickens are asleep or out free ranging.
Unit Size: 48 cm high x 61 cm wide x 50 cm deep. Weight 9 kg Material : Australian Galvanised iron. Fully assembled and ready to use. Waterproof.
Inside the feed tray lid is a strip off foam tape , to lessen the metal on metal clanging noise… now it is a gentle whump as it closes.
Fabricated in Australia for Australian Chooks.
HINT: When choosing your feeder ensure that it well made, no sharp edges and the operating mechanism is robust , safe and it is easy to use for the chickens and yourself.